Научни трудове за 2019 г.

Серия 1.1 - Земеделска техника и технологии. Аграрни науки и ветеринарна медицина. Ремонт и надеждност. Промишлен дизайн. Топлотехника, хидро- и пневмотехника. Екология и опазване на околната среда.

Начални страници

  1. FRI-8.121-1-AMT&ASVM-01
    Investigation of the Influence of Advanced Soil Protection Technology for Minimal and Unconventional Tillage Using Organic Fertilizer for Growing Maize for Sloping Grain
    Iliana Ivanova Ivanova
  2. FRI-8.121-1-AMT&ASVM-02
    Determination of the Economic and Soil Protection Efficiency of Advanced Technology for Minimal and Unconventional Tillage Using Organic Fertilizer in the Cultivation of Wheat on Slope Lands
    Iliana Ivanova Ivanova
  3. FRI-8.121-1-AMT&ASVM-03
    Changes in the Biochemical Characterization of Spring Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cv. "Tempo" Depending on Cultivation System
    Todor Kertikov, Gergana Kuncheva, Daniela Kertikova, Atahas Atanasov
  4. FRI-8.121-1-AMT&ASVM-04
    Influence of Systems of Cultivation Under Spring Vetch (Vicia Sativa L.) on Yield on Forage and Crude Protein
    Todor Kertikov, Atahas Atanasov, Daniela Kertikova, Gergana Kuncheva
  5. FRI-8.121-1-AMT&ASVM-05
    Methodology for Determining the Emissins of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases in Different Soil Tillage
    Dimitrov Dimitrov, Hristo Ivanov Beloev, Gergana Slavova Kuncheva, Iliana Ivanova Ivanova
  6. FRI-1.202-1-MR-01
    Methods for Agricultural Machinery Maintenance Spare Parts Planning
    Daniel Leekassa Bekana, Krasimir Radev, Kaloyan Nikolaev, Birislav Valchev
  7. FRI-1.202-1-MR-02
    Determination of the Structural Characteristics of the Parts of Agricultural Machinery Subject for Repair
    Mitko Nikolov, Iliya Todorov, Vladislav Stoyanov, Jordan Valchev
  8. FRI-9.3-1-THPE-01
    Control of the Burning of Straw Briquettes at the end of the Furnace for the Increase of the Efficiency
    Lucian Mihăescu, Emil Enache, Ionel Pîşă, Gabriel Paul Negreanu, Viorel Berbece, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu, Anca Enache
  9. FRI-9.3-1-THPE-02
    An Evaluation Critical Review of the Merit of Augmentation Techniques by Second Law in Circular Tube with Twisted Tape and Wire Coil Turbulators
    Daniela Kostadinova
  10. FRI-9.3-1-THPE-03
    A Critical Review of Thermal Augmentation in Circular Tube with Twisted Tape and Wire Coil Turbulators
    Daniela Kostadinova
  11. FRI-9.3-1-THPE-04
    Methods, Used to Evaluate the Energy Efficiency of Systems for Transporting Fluids
    Reneta Dimitrova
  12. FRI-9.3-1-THPE-06
    Requirements for Dynamic and Static Testing of Tractor Hydraulic Systems
    Lachezar Apostolov, Gencho Popov, Krasimir Ormandzhiev
  13. FRI-9.2-1-EC-01
    Legal Regulation of the End-of-Life Tires Treatment and End-of-Waste Criteria in Bulgaria, United Kingdom and Australia
    Nevena Ivanova
  14. FRI-9.2-1-EC-02
    Legal Regulation of Construction Waste Treatment
    Denitsa Hvarchilkova
  15. FRI-16.203-1-ID-01
    Investigation and Comparison of Tar Retention in Smoking Pipe with One Large Air Chamber and a Pipe with More Small Air Chambers
    Desislav Gechev Ivanov
  16. FRI-16.203-1-ID-02
    Beginning and Periods in the Development of Ergonomics
    Cvetomir Konov
  17. FRI-16.203-1-ID-03
    Knowledge Transfer - Aspects and Their Application to the Bottle of Felix Klein
    Vladimir Bonev
  18. FRI-16.203-1-ID-04
    Dynamic Nonlinear Processes in Semantic Circle Used When Solving a Creative Problem
    Vladimir Bonev

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